Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hello, My name is Abby

Hello, my name is Abby and I'm a Rat Terrier. I have a noisy little friend name Chloe. Chloe is something called a DoxieWaWa. I'm not sure what that is, but she is brown with small feet and a little head and a long body. Her legs are shorter than mine too. I am a "purebred" Rat Terrier, which I think should make me more special, but somebody needs to tell Chloe that fact.

We are good friends. We lick each others eyes and ears and we like to snuggle under the covers with our mom and dad. Oh, I guess I should mention we have a mom and dad, they are both people, but I don't think they are "purebred," but they are okay and Chloe and I love them sooooo much. We don't want to let them out of our sight, and when they do sneak out and leave us behind, we cry for awhile but then we just sleep until they come home.

Chloe and I love to eat - we eat everything we can get our paws on and lots of times we catch some of it in our mouths, so it never even touches the ground or our plate. Whenever we smell something yummy, we sniff around and try to find it, but our mom has these dishes that sit on her bathroom counter and plug into her wall and darn they smell so good, like pumpkin pie, and sugar cookies, and cupcakes. She calls them Scentsy and she says that they are 100% safe for people and animals. She says there is no lead in them and that the wax is just paraffin with "food grade non-esscential oils" that can't hurt us. She won't let us eat them though because she needs to melt them to make the house smell yummy. I don't think she wants it to smell like dogs, but I don't understand why. We don't smell too bad, do we? And, her Scentsy things plug into the wall and then we can see a small light shining out of them. I think they are pretty and I'm not afraid of them because they have no flame or fire and she never worries about leaving them on in the house all the time, which is really nice at night because they help us find our way around the house.

Well, I just thought I'd tell you about my life and my people and how nice my house smells. Chloe and I are going to sleep now. We have to help the man eat his breakfast in the morning. We sure do like the man. He's a lot of fun. I'll tell you more about him sometime. You know what they say, "it may be a dogs life, but it's 'our' life."



At January 8, 2010 at 4:46 PM , Blogger Katie Jones said...

I love the look of this blog. Great layout and colors. Nice job!!


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